Investing from a female perspective

If women hold one-third of the world’s wealth,

THEY invest differently, often with a long-term perspective and in alignment with their values, favoring ethical and philanthropic investments.

At TELOMERE, female investors can receive advice from a female perspective.


Risk aversion

Some studies suggest that women tend to be more cautious than men when it comes to investing. They may be more inclined to choose safer investment options with potentially lower returns but also lower risks.

Long-term perspective: Women may adopt a longer-term approach to investing. They often focus on financial security and long-term goals, such as retirement or education funds for their children.

At Telomere, we provide advice to women from a female perspective!


Integration of ESG criteria

It is proven that women are more likely to be interested in socially responsible investing, which emphasizes environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in addition to financial returns.

By working with the latest technology, we have powerful, comprehensive tools that enable us to optimise the ESG criteria within our portfolios.

The investment process at Telomere:


for women investors

FinanceLatest newsTELOMERE CapitalWomen investors

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Women investors

Women and investing

Even if we are seeing considerable progress in the area of gender equality, some sectors are still struggling to adapt, with finance and investment being among them. This is especially the case when you are a female investor. At a time when financial independence has become a fundamental requirement for women, their rightfulness is not always a given when it comes to managing their own money, owing to deep-rooted stereotypes.