What do wealthy people invest in?
The diversity of markets offers everyone the opportunity to invest part of their money. Of course, access to certain products may be limited if you do not have sufficient funds at your disposal.
The diversity of markets offers everyone the opportunity to invest part of their money. Of course, access to certain products may be limited if you do not have sufficient funds at your disposal.
Officially recognized by the major European powers at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Swiss neutrality was intended to maintain an island of stability in the heart of the Old Continent to contain potential conflicts.
To meet his needs, today’s investor has global and unlimited access to multiple sources of information. The press, specialist sites, social networks, interpersonal relations, strategic advice and recommendations are all available.
A street artist as enigmatic as he is provocative, Banksy made a sensational entry into the world of contemporary art and has never ceased to amaze. Originally from Bristol, England, his true identity remains a mystery, adding another element of fascination to an already captivating body of work.
For those of you looking to find out more about bonds, this article provides you with a basic understanding of this asset class and the factors influencing its price.
Switzerland continues to offer some of the best expertise in the world for wealth management, but the complexity of tax laws and the volatility of international financial markets can make this a challenging endeavor.