Women Facing the Glass Ceiling in
the Financial Sector
While there’s still a long way to go in terms of equality, recent decades have seen a significant increase in women’s presence in top positions, particularly in the financial sector and in wealth management. The successes of Christine Lagarde, Abigail Johnson, and Sallie Krawcheck shed new light on this phenomenon.

As the first woman to head the European Central Bank (ECB), Christine Lagarde now has considerable influence on European monetary policy. Her career also illustrates how leadership skills and a nuanced approach to economic issues can propel women to high-level positions in finance. Abigail Johnson, CEO of Fidelity Investments, has demonstrated the impact a woman can have when leading one of the world’s largest and most prosperous fund management companies. And then there’s Sallie Krawcheck, the former head of Bank of America Wealth Management, a pioneer in introducing wealth management services tailored to women, recognizing early on their unique needs and investment behaviors.
When Women Improve Performance
Today, it’s acknowledged that increased female presence in companies, especially in key positions, offers a serious competitive edge. Studies show quite clearly: when a company increases the representation of women in leadership roles, financial performance generally follows. This trend also extends to wealth management, where women often propose different approaches to investment. The strengthened presence of women in wealth management translates into a more inclusive approach to investment. For instance, female fund managers tend to adopt more cautious and long-term investment strategies, often leading to more stable performance for portfolios as a whole.
However, despite all the progress observed, women still face numerous challenges, particularly in the finance sector, including in areas like pay equality and promotion opportunities. Nevertheless, attitudes are beginning to change, and the growing recognition of women’s added value paves the way for new prospects.

Initiatives to Promote Gender Diversity
Pressure groups exert their influence not only at national level, but also in international trade. The recent frictions surrounding trade relations between the United States, Europe and China bear witness to this. Remember! In 2018, Donald Trump’s United States launched an all-out trade war against China, imposing extraordinary tariffs on the country’s exports. The arguments put forward related to the protection of intellectual property, trade practices deemed unfair and the trade deficit between the two countries. . In addition to the policy of the Trump administration
Women at the Heart of Business Strategy
Within our company, Telomere Capital, valuing the skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise of women is not just a step toward building a fairer enterprise. It’s a strategy for constructing a more prosperous business. This approach reflects a broader understanding of the initiative. Indeed, diversity and inclusion are not just moral goals but business imperatives that can spur innovation and improve financial outcomes. C’est une stratégie pour construire une entreprise plus prospère. Cette approche reflète une compréhension plus large de la démarche. En effet, la diversité et l’inclusion ne sont pas uniquement des objectifs moraux, mais des impératifs commerciaux qui peuvent stimuler l’innovation et améliorer les résultats financiers.
When companies incorporate gender equality into their culture, they actively contribute to transforming the financial sector: encouraging other firms to join the movement and creating a more inclusive and diversified ecosystem. This can also help attract and retain top-level talent by offering a more welcoming, stimulating, and fair work environment. Cela peut également aider à attirer et à retenir des talents de haut niveau, en offrant un environnement de travail plus accueillant, stimulant et équitable.
The increasing involvement of women in wealth management and various roles within the financial sector is a positive sign of change. Hopefully, the success of these women will inspire others, eventually rebalancing the gender scales in the professional world. This can only be beneficial for everyone. Espérons que les femmes qui réussissent fassent des émules, au point de rééquilibrer la balance des genres dans le monde professionnel. Ceci ne peut être que bénéfique pour toutes et tous.
Corporate Initiatives for Gender Equality
Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/company/values/diversity-and-inclusion/advancing-women/
Goldman Sachs https://www.goldmansachs.com/citizenship/10000women/
Pictet https://www.pictet.com/ch/fr/corporate-news/the-first-woman-to-make-partner-at-pictet
JP Morgan https://www.latribune.fr/economie/france/jpmorgan-chase-investit-70-millions-de-dollars-dans-la-diversite-et-l-inclusion-en-france-982726.html
Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/france/WomenRoleModel/default.aspx
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