INDIVIDUAL pension plan
Do not wait until you reach retirement age to plan for it and enjoy it to the full. TELOMERE advises you on anticipation and planning, particularly related to your AVS, your pension fund or your mortgages.
Preparing and preserving your assets for their future owners
Organising the passing on of one’s assets or of one’s business is never easy, since it touches at our emotional core. Whatever your intentions to leave your mark, to protect your loved ones against hardship, to hand on part of yourself and your history as a legacy. It is advisable to start thinking about succession early enough to avoid your estate from breaking up in the medium term.
To support you on this more technical aspect, Telomere Capital and its network of experts will guide you towards establishing a succession plan today, tailored to protect your family and your wealth.
Analysing your situation in detail enables us to organise your assets so as to optimise the contributions that you ultimately pay.
Know your situation to guide your decisions
In this age of hypermobility, monitoring the performance of your assets from any location and in any time zone, has become a necessity, whether you frequently travel on business or not. This service is an integral part of Telomere Capital’s services: we offer you the possibility to regularly monitor your financial, tax and administrative position via our secure platform.
In addition, we provide consolidated reports that give you an overview of your assets –both movable and real estate– and any-time checks on the performance of your investments. For senior executives, we can also put in place solutions to optimise share option plans, so as to facilitate the protection of capital acquired but not yet available.

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